
The art of stillness ted summary
The art of stillness ted summary

the art of stillness ted summary the art of stillness ted summary

Iyer uses a fluid blend of argument and anecdote to make a persuasive and eloquent case that contemplating internal landscapes can be just as rich an experience as traveling through external ones. Iyer’s argument is an engaging amalgam of memoir, reportage, and literary essay. "A bustling paean to the stationary life. “ wonderful read in its entirety.” ( Brain Pickings) “ cool drink of water, in book form” ( People) Rather than reading it quickly and filing it, readers will likely slow down to meet its pace and might continue carrying it around as a reminder." ( Kirkus (starred)) "This book isn't a meditation guide or a New-Age tract but rather a celebration of the age-old practice of sitting with no goal in mind and no destination in sight.

the art of stillness ted summary

An Oxford graduate, he taught at Harvard and is one of few writers whose work, like his interests, transcend cultures. He has established himself as major presence in culture life of Japan, where he is based, and in the United States, (where he lives during part of the year) Britain (where he was educated), and India where his family traces its roots. His various books are linked by his interest in cultural crossroads and the values that transcend boundaries. Pico Iyer is a British born essayist and novelist with an entirely singular sensibility.

The art of stillness ted summary